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K-Gems are jewels used for K-Storage.


K-Gems are a type of gemstone unique to Dimentiara. They are actually a special type of amber from a plant-type Kreature that existed during prehistoric times. They can be distinguished from normal amber by the plethora of colours they come in, as well as their tendency to glow when exposed to ultraviolet rays. They are very lightweight, capable of floating on water.

These gemstones are used for the cores in Tamer Amulets due to their unique ability to bind with K-Matter. Amulets use a tractor beam to convert a Kreature into pure K-Matter, which is temporarily stored in the K-Gem. The better quality the K-Gem, the higher ranking the Kreature it can store, and the more expensive it is. A K-Gem capable of containing a Rank A Kreature can cost up to 50,000 Zai; a huge status symbol.

As fossils, K-Gems are a finite resource, but they can be recycled. Composite K-Gems are made out of bits and pieces salvaged from old used-up gems that still have a teensy bit of life left in them, and bound together with a special resin. Composite K-Gems are low quality, prone to breakage and can't hold a Kreature inside them for long. They're still pretty expensive and will still set a Tamer back 3-400 Zai.

There is a lucrative industry in Dimentiara based around the mining and processing of K-Gems. Spectrum Gems, a company owned by James Tassin, is one such enterprise.