Redwing Fly

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Redwing Fly
Redwing Fly.png
Binomal name Chrysops cinnibarptera
Trophic Level 2
Size 7mm (0.03")
Diet Blood, nectar
Biome Urban, Temperate Forest, Wetlands

The pesky Redwing is a nuisance which is despised by Kreature Tamers. They're a type of deerfly which has a taste for the blood of not just animals but also the aura-rich blood of Kreatures. Native to Zaitopia, they emerge during the warm months of the year but are especially common in mid to late summer. Their bites are just barely gentle enough to avoid setting off a Kreature's nucleo-aura, but to a human their bites are rather painful. It's thought that animal and Kreature blood offers different benefits to the flies; Kreature blood is more nutritious but animal blood is easier to obtain. The Redwing is a medically significant insect, as they're known to transmit a number of diseases through their blood sucking habits.