Lockjaw Loggerhead

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Lockjaw Loggerhead
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Binomal name Macrochelys guillognathus
Trophic Level Apex Predator
Size 1.30m long (4'3")
Weight 127kg (280lbs)
Diet Mesocarnivore
Biome Wetlands

A species of huge snapping turtle endemic to the swamps and rivers of southern Zaitopia. They are equipped with a wormlike tongue which they use as a lure to attract prey, and a razor sharp beak that can snap shut in a fraction of a second and bite down with tremendous force. Though defensive on land, they are uninclined to bite while underwater. In addition to ambush hunting, these turtle are also scavengers. Small amounts of K-Matter has been known to bioaccumulate in their shells from the Feral Kreature carcasses they feed on during their extremely long lives. Their nests are raided by various snakes and small mammals, but thanks to their excellent camouflage and thick armour the adults have little to fear from predators. They are hunted as a secondary option for Tailtip Turtle Soup in regions where ornery softshells have been depleted.