Hooktalon Hawk

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Hooktalon Hawk
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Binomal name Buteo billaineus
Trophic Level 4
Size 1.4m wingspan (4'7")
Weight 1.2kg (2.7lbs)
Diet Carnivore
Biome Boreal and Temperate Forest

Also known as the Hooktalon Buzzard, this common bird of prey is found in forested biomes all across Dimentiara's northern hemisphere, from Zaitopia to Crylona to Rikenga. The largest subspecies is the Zaitopian Hooktalon, which has a 2.5m wingspan, though most are smaller than this. They feed primarily on rodents and smaller birds but can sometimes be ambitious enough to attack lambs and fawns. During the period of time when the Imperial Mega Hawk was extinct, Zaitopian Hooktalons increased in size by 20% and expanded their population into their larger cousin’s former domain.