Gene Touma

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Gene Touma
I basically designed Gene to be the opposite of Wade. He was a tough character to get a handle on, both design and personality-wise. It can be tricky to make these "team leader" type characters Not Boring.
Species Human
Nationality Badonish/Zaitopian
Team Crimson Lightning
Height 185cm (6'1")
Significant Other Kate Touma (Wife)
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday August 12th DAC5185
Fav Colours Black, orange
Likes Technology, cooking
Dislikes Tight spaces
Debut (Pending)

Gene Touma is the co-manager of the Crimson Lightning team. Gene is serious, responsible and pragmatic, a model husband and father, though he isn’t stuffy and harbours a mild sarcasm. He does what he feels has to do, even if he might not necessarily want to; such is the burden of leadership. He’s highly motivated and passionate. While he tries to take his teammates’ feelings and input into account, he has a very clear vision for the way he wants to do things and it can be difficult to get him to budge once he’s made up his mind.


Gene’s a good strategist and is the team’s main battle planner; he has an analytic combat style, using his Kreatures to fight defensively until he gets a handle on his opponent’s attack patterns.

Gompherus (Gomphy) Overview
150px|Hovertext Though Gene owns three Gompherus, the matriarch, “Gomphy”, is the one he utilizes most often in battle. She has a commanding presence befitting of the team leader’s Kreature, but is sweet and gentle enough that Gene will take his son for rides on her back.