Kristy Winters

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Kristy Winters is one of the main characters of Battle Kreaturez.


Kristy is the Wyldcard team's assertive, resourceful battle planner. A cunning corporate executive with her phone glued to her ear, she conducts her business affairs in a ruthlessly strategic manner and applies the same mentality to her Kreature Combat strategies. She has a cheeky sense of humour and a dry, acerbic wit that she doesn't hesitate to use. Kristy is a strict boss, though not an unreasonable one. She can be prideful, considering herself to be a consummate professional. Despite this, she's an amicable person who thinks highly of others as a rule and expects just as much from them.


As befitting a ruthless businesswoman, Kristy has a strategic mind and utilizes her Kreatures' abilities in a tactical manner.

Silver-Eyed Koobine (Silver)

Melanistic Silkiure (Dart)

Ogofish (Bishop)